And then everything changes...
What would you do if you were chosen?
Song for the Lýryiiel
Fear not—for all is not lost forever.
Evil is but a fleeting endeavor.
Our enemy, in his quest for power,
Will soon be broken and left to cower.
Soon, soon the tides of fate will turn,
And those whose sins are countless will burn.
For in the darkness of eternal night,
A heroine comes to bring us light.
More than two centuries have we endured,
Under a fiend too evil to be cured.
We must battle this enslaver of souls,
And in the end, we will avenge our woes.
Soon, soon the tides of fate will turn,
And those whose sins are countless will burn.
For in the darkness of eternal night,
A heroine comes to bring us light.
Hope for a new future can now be seen,
Admýiira received a prophecy dream.
Joy will be returned to our world once more,
And lost souls will be free, forevermore.
Soon, soon the tides of fate will turn,
And those whose sins are countless will burn.
For in the darkness of eternal night,
A heroine comes to bring us light.